Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Heart's Terrain

This Heart's Terrain

pain is this heart's terrain

even as the pleasurable truth sustains me

across the planes of the mundane

the ache of rejection and fear of love feigned

is so deeply engrained

that i have to strain just to abstain

from draining his love of every drop

of sentiment it could potentially obtain

my heart has reason to sing love-filled refrains

with beautiful melodies that neither wax nor wane

because it knows nothing of love lived in vain

but still i remain chained in shackles of self-disdain

as i helplessly watch myself imagining the inhumane

where only fondness reigns

it might be a struggle just to maintain

but i refuse to falter in my fight to reclaim

the gains that i've already obtained

pain might be this heart's familiar terrain

but today i journey across a new plain



I enjoyed your verbiage.

Anonymous said...

Dope! "it knows nothing of love lived in vain" is my heart's sentiment, as well. I love the wordplay in this one.