Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Facebook Mini Series, Vol. 1

Yeah, I'm on Facebook, but I don't really *do* Facebook. (I'm a twitter addict.) I'm the kinda person that might update my FB status once a week...maybe. And then I like to be all cryptic and non-specific and junk.
But lately I've been writing these mini-poems for my status updates. They're quite random, but like the rest of my poetry, they're all me, unfiltered. Heres a bunch of my latest. I'll post more when I write more.
I dig them (I may try to expand some of these in the future), but I wanna know what you think. Which one's your favorite?

my hesitation was misinterpreted for resignation

when in fact i was suffering from emotional constipation

communication outlets blocked and backed up

but when they get stacked up too tall

these sentiments fall after all


blue notes danced across my eyelids

as they slid into place thru my headphones

they always find me alone

lost in imagination

a singular solitary soulful congregation


there's no way of knowing

but I say I'm going all the way

at the end of the day

I'm still standing

still running

still flying

the day I stop moving is the day I start dying


my heart bleeds steady

so i keeps the pen ready

ink from my soul's well

is the best way 2 tell

my story:

love, loss, passion and glory


wading in the stream of dreams

that meets reality at its seam

fed by the waters of creation

that flow 'cross the riverbed of manifestation

boldly treading on an unknown heading

taking to flight into a fearless night


marinating in the juice of inspiration set loose

prepare to feast on my masterpiece



Unknown said...

The one that begins with Blue notes is already a complete poem. I suggest playing around with the lines. Shortening lines and enjambing others gives it a slightly different meaning.

I refuse to post anymore comments until you come over to my blog and post a comment :)

Rochelle Spencer said...

I like "wading in the stream of dreams"...such a poetic image!