Friday, September 18, 2009

Dawn of Inspiration

"Anoche me acosté con mis pensamientos. Ésta mañana me levanté con mis sentimientos." (Last night I lay down with my thoughts. This morning I woke up with my feelings.)

I tweeted this thought a few days ago. I have no idea why I wrote it in Spanish, but I'm glad I did. (Isn't Spanish a beautiful language?) I kept reading it over and over, feeling like there was more to be said. It grew into this little (English) poem.

Dawn of Inspiration

last night
i lay down under the weight of the day
and slept with my thoughts
reluctantly drifting into dreams of deficiency
lit by the flicker of dim resolution

at some point during our slumber
my pensive bedmate disrobed
stripping herself of the heavy burden
of solving riddles and fixing broken solutions

as i dreamed she took my hand
and walked me through a fantastic field of possibility
and her gait took on a more sentimental saunter
unbound by higher reasoning
she pursued higher ways of pleasing me

and this morning
i awoke with fresh feelings
instead those same tired thoughts

passion illuminated my bedroom
urgency pulled back the covers
coaxing me to open my eyes
with determination
and gaze intently upon
the dawn of inspiration


Unknown said...

Is this your pensive bedmate your muse or your unburdened self? Perhaps a combination of the two? At first I think it's you, then words like saunter and passion lead me to a muse.

Who she is doesn't matter. Your poem communicated to me. I like the structure and pacing.

Hope you keep it up!

Substance said...

@Vizionheiry - This one's all about muse. But I wrote it to be a little ambiguous, so I'm glad you got that impression.

Thanks for reading!

Unknown said...

yup, i do remember reading this one. Love it Poetess!! Especially the way in which the words lead to the last line...the ending...and the title. Really, I love this.